You are horrible at what you do. Being behind the wheel is a privilege that you are given, but you're not at all worthy and I wish for goodness sakes that it would be taken away from, well, most of you!
First, a yield sign and a stop sign are two VERY different things.At a stop sign, you stop. At a yield sign, you yield. If you were suppose to come to a complete stop at a yield sign, then it would not be a yield sign. It would be a stop sign. However, it is a yield sign, and you are not to stop, instead you are to keep driving, carefully and merge with the other vehicles. If there are no other vehicles in the way, KEEP DRIVING! It's not a stop sign! In case you are illiterate and can't read the words "yield" and "stop" which are printed on these signs, then you should be able to tell the difference in sign by the shape. One is a triangle and the other is an octagon. And if you cannot tell the difference between these shapes, then one, maybe you didn't pass pre-school where you were taught shapes, or two, you are blind. If either one of those reasons apply to you...then why are you driving?
Second, it is not okay to turn left on red, almost ever! I know most intersections allow a right turn on red, but since when did left become the new right? Oh that's didn't! In the past month I have seen an outrageous amount of left turns on red.And what's sad is that it hasn't been people just completely blowing off the light as if they didn't notice. Instead it's been mostly people stopping at the red light, then proceeding to turn left, as if it were a stop sign. Thankfully I was happy to see one guy get pulled over for it, but for the rest, you're time is coming. I just hope it comes before you cause serious harm and injure someone else, as for you, only an idiot stupid enough to turn left on red would deserve to have a face-to-face conversation with a wall.
Third, the left lane on a highway is called the "passing lane." This means you cannot drive the same speed as everyone else when you are in this lane. The passing lane is as simple as it sounds, it's made for passing. You should only be in this lane when you're trying to get around the people going slow. If you're going the same speed as them, you're just pissing off those of us who don't want to go 10 mph under the speed limit and that actually know the rules of the road. Not only is it extremely annoying when you do this, but you can also get ticketed for it, it's called "Failure to stay right." So please, do you and me a favor and stay left if you don't plan on passing.
It might be true that New York City drivers are the worst, but hey, at least they know the rules of the road and they're all just arrogant and rude when behind the wheel. Massachusetts drivers are also arrogant and rude, but even worse that that combination is combining it with stupidity and ignorance when it comes to the laws and how to drive.
If you're reading this and have realized you do one of these, please get off the road or learn how to drive! Read a drivers manual or go back to drivers-ed, cause truth of the matter is you're probably breaking several rules and don't even know it!
Yours kindly,
Aggravated Mass Driver
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